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Raising the Bar for Surgery in the Chest and Abdomen

To help surgical teams performing procedures in the chest and abdomen achieve their goals, Myka Labs brings together technological advances in two areas.  The  first is real-time multimodal artificial intelligence.  The second is catheter digital tracing, where arrays of miniatures sensors are used to dynamically map a catheter’s trajectory within the body.  The power of this technology platform is seen in the capability to accurately model the three-dimensional trajectory of the jejunum within the upper left quadrant of the abdomen–even as it twists and shifts position–during a potentially life-saving procedures like endoscopically bypassing malignancy-associated gastric outlet obstruction (MGOO).   Myka Labs real-time anatomy models can be displayed as fully virtual environments or as virtual object overlays on standard intraoperative imaging like ultrasound and fluoroscopy.  Gaining awareness can drive critical real-time decision-making and action for surgeons and gastroenterologists, enabling them to go further than ever before in striving to achieve the best possible outcomes for their patients.

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